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Rosh Hashanah – the Jewish New Year, begins at sunset on 29 Elul, September 15th and ends the evening of 2 Tishri, September 17th, 2023.
Yom Kippur – Kol Nidre and the “Day of Atonement” and the annual Jewish observance of fasting, prayer and repentance is 9-10 Tishri, September 24-25, 2023.
Sukkot – Sukkot starts on the 14 Tishrei beginning at sundown on September 29, 2023. The first two days are celebrated as holy days through sundown on 16 Tishrei, October 1st. The remainder of Sukkot continues through Hoshanna Raba which ends on the 21st of Tishrei 5783, or October 6, 2023. The festival of Sukkot is a reminder of the fall agricultural season in Israel as well as an historical commemoration of the booths (sukkot) that our ancestors lived in following the Exodus. The holiday includes both synagogue services as well as the building of individual home sukkot in which we are encouraged to dwell or at least eat during the eight days of the festival.
Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah – The 22nd of Tishrei begins at sundown on October 6, 2023 and Simchat Torah ends at sundown on 23 Tishrei October 8, 2023. The holiday of Sukkot is followed immediately by the concluding festivals known as Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah. Highlights of these days include a joyous celebration in the evening and following morning known as Simchat Torah. On the morning of Simchat Torah we finish the reading of the Torah cycle and begin it anew. Singing, dancing, and merriment accompany this most joyous of celebrations.
Hanukkah – The first night begins at sundown 24 Kislev, December 7, 2023 and the holiday ends at sunset on 2 Tevet, December 14, 2023. Hanukkah celebrates the victory of the Maccabees over the Syrian Greeks in the second century BCE and the subsequent cleansing of the Temple in Jerusalem. The theme of religious freedom is emphasized throughout this “minor” eight day holiday. It is marked ritually by the lighting of a Chanukiyah (eight branched candelabrum) each night along with special foods, gift giving, and celebration.
Tu B’Shvat – 15 Shevat, January 25, 2024. Tu B’Shvat is the Jewish New Year for trees. In Israel, Jews plant trees on Tu B’Shvat. Outside of Israel, many Jews collect money for planting trees in Israel. The holiday is also celebrated by eating special fruits or having a Tu B’Shvat Seder
Purim – 13 Adar, eve of March 23rd through 14 Adar, March 24th 2024. Purim commemorates the annulment of the decree against the Jewish people in ancient Persia (Late 6th century B.C.E.).Purim Jews celebrate how Queen Esther saved the Jews of Persia from annihilation. With costumes (tachbosot), noisemakers (raashanim), food baskets (mishloach manot), hamantashen cookies (oznay haman), a festive meal (seudat purim), and carnivals, Purim is a favorite Jewish holiday for children and adults.
Passover – 15 Nisan – 22 Nisan, eve of April 22nd through April 30th 2024. Passover celebrates the birth of the Jewish nation and commemorates the Exodus of the people of Israel from ancient Egypt.
Yom H’Shoah (Holocaust Day of Remembrance) – 28 Nisan, May 6, 2024. Holocaust Memorial Day in remembrance of the 6 million Jews killed by the German Nazi regime and their collaborators.
Yom Hazikaron, Memorial Day – 5 Iyar, May 13, 2024. Memorial Day in memory of the fallen soldiers of the Israel Defense forces and victims of Arab terrorism.
Yom Ha’atzmau’t –6 Iyar, May 14, 2024. Yom Ha’atzmau’t commemorates the Israeli Declaration of Independence in 1948.
Lag Ba’Omer – 18 Iyar, May 26, 2024. Lag BaOmer is the 33rd day of the Omer commemorating a break in the mourning period for the 24,000 students of Rabbi Akiva (2nd century).
Yom Yerushalayim – 28 Iyar, June 5, 2024. Jerusalem Day celebrates the liberation of Jerusalem during the Six-Day War.
Shavuot – 5 Sivan, Shavuot (Feast of Weeks) begins sundown June 11th ending sundown June 13th, 2024. Shavuot commemorates the day God gave the Torah to the entire nation of Israel assembled at Mount Sinai.
Tisha B’Av – 9 Av begins sundown on August 12th through August 13th, 2024 – Fast of the Ninth of Av in Hebrew calendar commemorates the destruction of the first and second Temples (the first by the Babylonians in 586 B.C.E.; the second by the Romans in 70 C.E.). Expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492 also falls on this date.