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10505 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025
Purim 5783
Shalom U’vracha,
Purim is a holiday when miracles occurred in a completely natural way. The wonders of Purim are the exact opposite of the miracles we associate with Passover, like the plagues or the splitting of the sea, that broke nature’s rules.
Unlike what Israel witnessed when freed from Egypt, Purim’s miracles were draped in nature’s garments. Even though we were in a very difficult situation, and didn’t merit overt and obvious miracles, Hashem still showed his love for us. Through coincidence after coincidence, the Jewish people were saved from annihilation and destruction.
Purim reveals that even in the most dark and difficult situations, matters can be transformed to good and change for the better in just a few minutes. Purim also teaches us that, sometimes, for Hashem’s goodness and life-affirming energy to manifest in the world, we have to do our part. We must never give up. Like Queen Esther and Mordechai, instead of sinking into despair, we should focus on doing good deeds wherever and however we are able, to spread the light of hope and joy.
On all of our holidays, the mitzvot performed connect with the events and spiritual lessons of the holiday, connecting our celebration with spiritual renewal and growth. On Purim, an enormous physical threat confronted our nation. Unifying to face the threat created great love and appreciation among the people of Israel towards each other and towards Hashem. The development of relationships and the building of communities which resulted led to great generosity, and people gave freely to the poor. They also gave gifts of food to friends and family. They developed positive habits of being in the world and corrected their negative behavior. In the process, they atoned and healed their souls.
So too in our modern times, by fulfilling the mitzvot of Purim we open ourselves to grow spiritually. By feasting together, sharing with those who have less than we do, connecting with friends and family through gifts of food, hearing the Megillah and reliving the story, we open ourselves to draw down positive spiritual energy and experience the magical light of this wonderful holiday.
Through mitzvot and action such as these, filled with joy, generosity, and kindness, we are able to transform energy in our lives, leading to greater mazal, much light and love.
Hag Purim Sameah!